Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Kids Eat Right Month: How Do I Make a Healthy Meal?

Happy Kids Eat Right Month! As a pediatric registered dietitian (RD), I often get asked many questions about feeding children in a healthy way. This month we will discuss many topics about healthy eating with a focus on teaching children how to eat healthy. Luckily, these principles can be applied to children of all ages (including adults who are kids at heart)!

So, the most common question I get is "How do I get my child to eat healthy?". We will discuss several strategies to eat health. So to start, we need to offer healthy options. We can do this in a few simple steps.

1) Purchase healthy foods. 
Bring your child to the grocery store. This is an opportunity to teach and familiarize your children with different types of foods. Have your child select a few new foods they want to try. This way your child has a choice. The choice becomes which healthy choice they want to try instead of if they will or won't try a food.

2) Grow healthy foods.
If you have the opportunity, grow your own food or herbs. This is a great opportunity to teach your kids responsibility and where food comes from. If your kids have invested time into growing foods, they are more likely to try them.

3) Build a healthy plate. is a fantastic resource. It is available in English and Spanish. It is a free resource. There is great information about kid portions and how to build a healthy plate.
Start by filling half of your plate with fruits and vegetables. I encourage at least three different food groups per meal. Check out MyPlate for more information on age-appropriate portion sizes.

Stay tuned all this month for more on healthy eating and Kids Eat Right Month. For more recipes, encouragement, and tips for healthy eating, follow me on Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.

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